in exchange for an investment into a country’s economy
benefit from multiple residency and citizenship options

Residency by Investment Programs
… provide the option to physically relocate to a country, immediately or later in exchange for an investment in the economy of that country with the right to live, work, study, as well as have access to healthcare.
Citizenship by Investment Programs
… are the most effective way to obtain an alternative citizenship and passport with all its benefits, in exchange for an investment in that country. This includes the right to live, work, study, access to healthcare and to vote.
… most programs offer tax incentives like tax holidays on global income, no inheritance taxes and more and more programs seek to attract digital nomads, “persons who are able to work from anywhere!” The dawn of the hybrid work model has enabled global mobility for business and labour.
For business
… travelling VISA free to those meetings or trade and passporting opportunities or tax incentives …
For family
… education or work opportunities or VISA free travel or retirement or new beginnings …
The reasons are many, and the benefits are many!
… the rewards of dual residency and citizenship, of being a Global Citizen or simply having a ‘PLAN B’ must not be underestimated.
How does one start
… understand why and write down all the reason. Brainstorm, get the family and business partners involved. Then rank the reasons or benefits in order of importance. For each person, family, and businessperson the ranking will be different. Then establish a timeline, how soon, by when?
Consult with Quality Group
… we assist in clarifying and narrowing down the choices based on your needs and desires. Then its all about the budget. The amount needed to action the plan.
Why Bother?
… citizens are voting with their feet and creating immediate or future options as they want to divorce themselves and their futures from indifferent politicians, risky economies, a future for children, unfair taxation and general disruption. People desire personal safety and secure futures.
The trend of obtaining another Residency or Citizenship has grown steadily and become a necessity for those looking to secure their future and or increase global mobility, not only for themselves but for generations to come … it is a global trend and industry, now valued at more than $25 billion!
The 100-year life is upon us
… it is no longer “Learn-Work-Retire.” Healthy living and lifestyle choices plus medical advances means we will outlive our parents by 10 years and our children will outlive us by 20 years!
So if your 50 or 60, where do you wish to spend the next 20-to-30 years. Dealing with uncertainty or doing exactly what you want to do when you want to? Its starts with personal freedom, and the path forward is choices available in residency and citizenship by investment programs.
In Summary
Many Reasons | Many Benefits
► Visa Free Travel | Pleasure & Business
► Business | Global Opportunities & reach
► First world | Higher Education & Healthcare
► PLAN B | “In the back pocket”
► New beginnings | Relocation & Holiday Home
► Hedge | Diversification, Currency & Tax