The Goal … “Future proof tomorrow today, with alternative wealth investments and accelerate the journey to personal and financial freedom”


For retirement, for holidays, for relocation, for work, for education


Tax efficient income and generational wealth. How you ring fence your future is how you will live


Offer steady returns capital security
unaffected by global volatility or
market shifts and uncertainty


Severe Illness, Disability, Death. Protect Self, Family & Business


Diverse, worldwide, focused on high-growth markets & risk management strategies.


Above average income and growth earned from a portfolio of medical MOBs in the USA


Investments hedging against inflation, secure, with stable returns, in primary currencies.


Earn big! Invest in No Win No Fee Legal Justice Returns in £ : $ : €.
Capital Insured with ATE


Why must we Future Proof?


The future will arrive even if we are not ready! (Costas Souris) Its either adapt and keep up with change or become a victim of unpreparedness. Simply, be prepared to protect the purchasing power of your money to ensure standard of living or the possibility of relocation! At least, be able to consider opportunities and meet challenges.

The opposite is disruption and uncertainty, happening faster than ever before. The speed at which “PEOPLE” need to adapt and change continues to accelerate.

Futureproofing tomorrow is a mindset, not a destination! It is knowing where we are and where we would like to be? Its understanding and acknowledging that there are personal and financial consequences, to doing nothing or being stuck in the past.

In this ever-changing world, the way we “did things 2 and 5 and 30 years ago, might not be appropriate for today, never mind tomorrow! Our dreams and goals with deliberate action can begin to future-proof tomorrow, today, moving away from uncertainty and disruption. 

Future proof tomorrow, today!

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What is a 100 year life?


The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes what to expect and considers the choices and options that we all will face. (Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott - The 100-year life)

Gone is the traditional model of educate-work-retire. The way forward is a multistage life, not determined by our actual age; rather by the phase of life we are experiencing.

Gone is the traditional retirement age of 65; now with healthy choices and medical advances we will outlive our parents by 10 years, and our children will outlive us by 20 years!

Longevity is no longer about getting older, it’s really about getting younger!

The 100-year life makes it imperative to future proof tomorrow as our finances must stretch not for the traditional 10-15 years after retirement, but rather 15-30 years!

This is a call to action for individuals; people like you and me, that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one. If you have planned? Are prepared? Have futureproofed tomorrow, beginning today?

Be inspired by the 100-year life by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott, London School of Economics

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Multistage Retirement?


Yet, despite this reality, many continue to fall behind. They simply can’t keep up with our rapidly changing world. This inability or lack of action to “future-proof,” for many means an almost certain path to personal and financial freedom FAILURE. As the wise old saying reiterates “ When you fail to plan you plan to fail!”

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are things we can do today - right now - that can make a huge difference on what happens to our tomorrow. Prepare for a multistage life, moving from full time work to semi-retirement, to a new career, to retirement, to charity work and … Being in retirement for 30 years, even if you enjoy financial freedom is a challenge in itself!!

As planners, we consult all the time on this very topic. Our job is to guide and plan on how to ensure individuals, families and businesses plan for Personal and Financial FREEDOM. Our job is to assist in future proofing tomorrow, today!

Enjoy a multistage life!

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The way we work?


The Future Proof Tomorrow team with a wealth of knowledge and experience corroborate and work with provider partners from all over the world. The team and partner providers are regulated in their respective home countries.

The team not only offers traditional financial planning, but there is a deliberate effort to future proof clients tomorrow using Alternative Wealth Investments and Solutions to  accelerate our client’s journey to Personal and Financial Freedom.

The Quality Group Future-Proof Tomorrow team offers hundreds of years of experience. A very necessary attribute in this diverse and increasingly complicated world we are challenged with. The combined wisdom of the team ensures we remain focused and relevant to satisfy client needs and to FUTURE-proof their goals.

Accelerating financial freedom

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Our Services?


Personal freedom Fear is destructive and therefore securing personal safety and the fair rule of law is a non-negotiable. Planning can achieve this.

Financial freedom
The destructors of wealth are inflation, taxation and currency devaluation. Protection from inflation, ensuring the purchasing power of money is maintained, appropriate investments and fair taxation will provide quality of life.

Alternative Asset Investments | And Solutions To achieve our clients personal and financial freedom we work with traditional financial planning solutions, however todays disruptive investment environment often requires alternative thinking and solutions

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It's easy to work with us!


Since 1993 we have helped our clients, all over the world. We listen and ask questions like, “How have you, future proofed your tomorrow?” We are your sounding board!

We match solutions to your budget and charge no consultation fees!

Our purpose is to achieve and maintain your Quality of Life. This starts with retaining purchasing power measured against hard currency like £ or $ or €. For most, that is predictable, stable income allowing money to work, while you decide whether to work!

The route to personal and financial freedom has evolved and will continue to evolve. This we know and our alternative asset solutions meet these needs.

We provide the information for you to make informed decisions. Reach out … its easy to deal with us. The world has become a smaller place, as technology allows us to communicate with loved ones using apps like “WhatsApp” and as businesses and labour become ever more globally mobile, taking advantage of the hybrid work model and minimisation of taxation.

As investors we are no longer restricted by country borders but have access to all markets and asset classes.

Wherever you are we can assist you to future proof your tomorrow, starting today. Reach out, call or email, lets meet, on video chat, zoom, teams or face to face if possible. Allow us to share and clarify information and deal with any concerns. Our clients are both large, 6 figures, and small, all enjoying the very best service levels.

We a click and a WhatsApp away 

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Office : +27 11 440 8006

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